After Effects Social Media Promo – Like us

Adobe After Effects Template by:

Reviewed by:
On June 25, 2012
Last modified:March 17, 2021


This  template is a great way to promote your facebook, twitter, youtube or any other fan page, it follows a very convincing script, has a great motion design in it, smooth keyframes  and transitions and the music is perfectly synced to the animation.

After Effects Social Networks Promotion, Get this After effects projects Downloaded.

Promote your Website/Twitter/Facebook website with this one! Company Promotion “Like our Facebook Page” is a promotional Video template aimed at getting more likes to your social account. It convinces in a cheerful uplifting way and promotes Social media networking as a standard tool for exposing clients to your business. This promotion guarentees you the finest way of advertising your app, website, company or product.


  • After Effects CS5 and above.
  • No Plugins Required, But Plugin Version available as well (uses Particular for the smilies and the chat bubbles)
  • Easy to Customize with email support and an included Manual.
  • 1 Web screenshot / video placeholder, over 10 different text placeholders
  • 2 URL Placeholders and Logo resolve Placeholder
  • Fully Loopable
  • Clean elegant design
  • Smooth moves and transitions thanks to Ian Heigh’s Ease and Wizz
  • Fast Render (1 Hour and 12 minutes for a Full HD Quicktime H264 on a Macbook Pro i7 with 8gb of Ram)

Music Track for the Template

Final words

This  template is a great way to promote your facebook, twitter, youtube or any other fan page, it follows a very convincing script, has a great motion design in it, smooth keyframes  and transitions and the music is perfectly synced to the animation. It’s certain that the capabilities of After Effects have been used to the max in this example, and it certainly guarantees to grab your potential clients attention, easy to modify and fall in love with, for only $15 this template is as good as it gets, you could say its almost free 🙂

Review score: 5/5