Cartoon – Hand drawn effects

Adobe After Effects Template by:

Reviewed by:
On June 25, 2012
Last modified:December 10, 2016


This After Effects Project is just dope, seriously, its got the right elements that you can use in a wide range of projects and add some of that "sweet" young flavor to existing Footage, Video, Promotion, or even a wedding template, it's fun and playful on top of everything, it has the Project files that give you the insight of how to create Cel animation by yourself , easily within After Effects

Those Explosions from ol’ Cartoons? Here is how they made’em…

This After Effects Project features the Classical animation illustrated and scanned , typical cel animation that could be easily re-scaled or adjusted to suit your needs, frame by frame sequences within the project file could give you a glimpse of the traditional animation methods, or methods that could be used by kids or children at school when they are bored, the Adobe Illustrator files contain all the animations each in its own file with matching layers for every frame, making it the traditional old school frame by frame animation.
Cel drawn effects adds a human touch to your project and gives it that classic, traditional twist. Use it to spice up the presentation about your product, website, app or company! it’s perfect for Broadcast, VJ, TV, Streaming, Youtube, Vimeo, educational, and promotional purposes
Sound by Soundroll music

AETemplates: Motion Graphics Template Designer @ https://aftereffects-template.com Follow <a href="https://twitter.com/johnnybd">@johnnybd</a> on Twitter.
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